NGO is the most important serving sector in India. It is the prime mover of Indian society. Well, the concept of NGO and social welfare are not at all new phenomena as India has a long glorious tradition of social service, social reform, and these Voluntary organization that are playing vital role in the socio economic development of this country. Keeping constant updates from micro to macro is very difficult being in the field. It is not providing only food, shelter and clothes for needy persons of the nation with a huge population and employment for million but it is also a source of providing justice for the weaker section of the country. It is the main source of transferring services from rich to poor, healthy to needy and publicly enforcement of efforts in the favour of those who are not able to put their efforts for moving in the country. NGOs have also provided their services in the field of water arrangements, tree plantation. Sanitary/sanitation, sports and are a source of awareness among people.

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Whereas there are few NGOs that have been operating without direction, organizational development, good management practices and specific missions. So, now the question arises how to pick up a right NGO for charity.

Well here are the few points which one needs to remember

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  1. Must work for public benefits rather than personal profit: the bulk of funds flowing through NGOs should focus on basic humanitarian assistance and development.
  2. Concentrate on health conditions: The works like pit drainage, housing, creation of smokeless environment, good drinking water for animals and human beings, regular health checkup camps must be held regularly.
  3. . Trade and industry promotion: The important problem in the present context is availability of the market for the products of rural enterprises. Therefore, an NGO has a direct link with the government for marketing of the goods. Apart from this, NGO can also go for training the rural youths in fabrication works, wood works, beedi rolling, agarbathi manufacturing, printing press etc.
  4. Involve in Community Development programs: The community development programs like adoption of villages for development, moral support during flood and famine period, supply of food and drinking water during flood, common well, training programs for the rural youths, housing projects, repair and renovation of houses etc. that satisfy the basic necessities.

Therefore, a sustainable organization is one, which is able to remain in existence for long, delivering the same or better level and quality of service, enduring and withstanding hardships and moving along its declared mission.



Choosing the Right NGO for Donations

We are so engrossed in our lives that we sometimes forget that we have the ability to make a substantial contribution to the society. There are some sections of our society that are unfortunate to even have basic necessities of life. Imagine being deprived of food, clothing and shelter. Horrifying isn’t it?  Feeling pity won’t make much difference. To make a difference it is important that we contribute financially. There are several NGO’s working for social causes. By making donations to such NGO’s, we can be part of a noble cause.

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When contributing to a noble cause, it is important that you choose the right NGO. It has been observed that there are fraud companies that work under the name of NGO and use your hard earned money for illegal practices. Be aware of such companies and check the below-listed points to choose the right NGO.




Pick the cause: Different NGO’s work for different causes. Some run an old age home while others take care of homeless children, some give free education while others provide food to hungry. Choose the cause that is close to your heart. If you decide to make a contribution to the section that you are most attached to, you are sure to keep a track of where your money is being invested.

Research well: There is a number of NGO’s that claim to be working for social causes, so it is difficult to select the right one. With proper research, you can find the right NGO to do charity. Check for online reviews or consult your friends and relatives before making any decisions.

Check for transparency: An NGO that maintains transparency regarding all financial transactions is the only non-profit worth investing in. Make sure that you are being informed of areas where your money is being used and how it is making a significant change.



How Are NGO’s Helping in Development of Society?

With poverty at its peak, the world has become a difficult place to survive. Rich are becoming richer and poor are becoming poorer. There is nobody to take care of the less fortunate ones. More and more children are dying of hunger, and unemployment is increasing because of lack of education. Not only this, there are a lot of children that are being abused physically, mentally as well as sexually.


Although it is the responsibility of the government to stop this misery, not many efforts have really been seen from that side. However, there are various NGO’s that are giving meaningful contribution in developing the weaker section of the society. Such NGO’s work in diversified areas like educating little children, providing employment and acting against groups responsible for trafficking.

So, how do these NGO’s operate and from where do they get their funding from? Let us have a look at different working ways of non-government organisations.


By giving you the opportunity:

Several NGO’s gives the opportunity to individuals to contribute to the noble cause. If you are also fond of doing charities, you can give your bit either by making a financial donation or by volunteering in social activities. Nowadays, making donations is also a very easy thing to do. Ngo’s like cry give you the chance to donate on their online platform. Online donations not only saves time, also keeps a legal track of your donation. It will further help you in availing tax deductions. As far as volunteering is concerned, you can actually go and help in several social activities organised by NGO’s.


By supporting individual projects:

The structure of Ngo is so strong that they do not fail to contribute in any of the projects happening for a noble cause. They provide financial as well as human resource help to various government projects. They even start their own projects to be a helping hand for the less fortunate ones.

Every Child Is Special: Protect Their Rights

Millions of innocent children from all over the world are victims of abuse. These children have no access to education, they are used as cheap labour to work in hazardous conditions and many children are even forced to serve as soldiers in armed conflict. Children are the most vulnerable section of the society and they need special protection and care. The children that reside in developing countries suffer more, due to lack of education and awareness. They are dependent and innocent, hence are not capable of making the right decisions for themselves. The children are the future of the world and it is the duty of every citizen to ensure that they are provided with a wholesome development opportunity.


To address this issue of child rights, the United Nations general assembly adopted the most ratified treaty in the world. The convention of child rights was introduced on November 20th 1989. The main objective of this convention is to ensure that the children around the world have the right to education, freedom and health care. Besides these rights, the child rights convention also provides protection to children against racism, armed conflict, vindictive punishments and protection within the judicial system from economic utilization.


However, despite the existence of such rights children suffer from abuse, neglect, preventable diseases and unequal education rights. To implement the child rights conventions, every person in the society needs to be aware of the plight of such children. This is where the role of NGOs plays a very important role in the society. Child rights NGOs work tirelessly towards the cause of children. Volunteering with such NGOs is the first step towards the protection of child rights. These NGOs work closely with the UNICEF and the Government and run various programmes to support needy children.

In countries such as India, children suffer from not just poverty, but also social evils such as child marriage. The only way to curb this issue is to spread awareness among the society, starting from the grassroots level.  Through education and awareness programmes, people of the community, governments, local authorities, and NGOs can ensure that children grow up in a healthy and safe environment.


In countries such as India, children suffer from not just poverty, but also social evils such as child marriage. The only way to curb this issue is to spread awareness among the society, starting from the grassroots level.  Through education and awareness programmes, people of the community, governments, local authorities, and NGOs can ensure that children grow up in a healthy and safe environment.


Child Labour is a Crime

Child labour is one of the biggest social issues in India. Children are the future of the nation. Yet there are numerous children who have not known a happy and carefree childhood. More than 39% of India’s population constitutes of children. There are approximately 60 million child labourers in India. Childhood is the most crucial phase of a person’s life because it is the most impressionable period. However, child labour abruptly destroys the childhood of innocent children by making them a victim of selfish and manipulative adults. Child labour is a corrupt and malicious practice and there is no space for such evils in the modern world.


The Government and the various child rights NGO India are working tirelessly to safeguard the childhood of the children in the country. To engage a child below 14 years for economic activities is a criminal offence in India. However, despite the laws passed against child labour, it still continues to lurk in the society. Many children from poverty laden rural areas are used as bonded labourers in cities. When a child starts to work from a tender age, it misses out on the joys of childhood and a proper education. Due to the lack of education, the child labourers are unable to escape from the deadly cycle of poverty throughout their lives. Most of them end up working as labourers even as adults.


Child labour is a crime to humanity that prevents the proper growth and development of the children. Factors such as poverty, backwards society, low salary, joblessness, poor living standards social injustice, lack of education and ineffective laws which are major factors that are responsible for the high incidence of child labour in India. Most of the child labourers are found working for 12- 16 hrs a day for little or no wages. Moreover, they have no freedom and live like prisoners in extremely bad conditions, without proper food and care.


It is the duty of every citizen of the country to contribute towards the development of such unfortunate children. Providing your support to the government as well as the NGO’s that are working towards the cause of child rights, is the first step towards the eradication of child labour.