Equity Funds a Boon for Portfolio

An equity fund makes investments in stocks or equivalent securities. Each stock represents a share in the company. They are mostly utilised to purchase a portfolio of stocks. Through the purchase of these stocks, one can receive an indirect ownership of a large bunch of securities. These funds are especially convenient for those who wish to do business without setting up their company, by investing through local companies. The objective of these funds is long-term growth. These funds may also aim at the size of the company before making an investment. Take a look at some of the advantages associated with equity funds:


Diversification: Equity funds can be diversified simply and require a minimal initial investment. Therefore, as an investor, you can purchase different stocks of different companies. The advantage is that is the price of a stock falls, the other stocks can cover up for the loss.

Dividend: If you invest in blue chip companies, you can receive a regular income which comes in the form of dividends. Such companies often pay regular dividends irrespective of good or bad financial times. Since every company has a different cycle, as an investor, you can expect some amount of earning each month.

Capital Appreciation: When a company makes a profit, it chooses to reinvest it in order to expand it through product developments or growing market share. This leads to an increase in the market price of the stock, thereby, ensuring capital appreciation for investors.

Professional Management: None of the investments come with guaranteed success which is professional experts handle mutual funds. Therefore, even if you do not possess knowledge about a certain stock, your fund manager will help you make the right decision related to your investments.

No Brokerage: Most of the fund houses charge a certain fee, brokerage or commission in exchange for their services. In an equity fund, it is possible for an investor to avoid brokerage fees. This is one of the main advantages associated with an equity fund.

Liquidity: As stocks are traded across the world, they are highly liquid in nature. It also means that as an investor you can easily sell your stock when you want. Usually, you can receive your money within a week of the sale of the stock.


Why Are Mutual Funds the Best Mode of Investment?

When it comes to investment in mutual funds, one of the first challenges that people come across is to choose among a multitude of options. From a range of choices such as shares, bonds, stocks, money market securities to selecting a combination, there are a number of benefits and challenges. So what is the reason that choosing mutual funds is better than modes of investment? Mutual funds enable investors to pool money for a variety of securities which are monitored by a fund manager. There are a number of products that an investor can choose from such as exchange traded funds, sectoral funds, and many others.


Take a look at why mutual funds make for the best investment:


Inflation: Mutual funds do not curb investors from making profits. They enable investors to make adjustable returns with regard to inflation. There are many people who believe that savings continue to grow in a bank, however, they overlook the fact that inflation possibly nibbles away their value.


Fund Manager: Even if an investor does not possess the required knowledge in terms of his investments, a fund manager seeks all the information related to the funds and then makes a decision. These managers are backed by a strong research team. Fund manager, therefore, measure all the prospects in order to meet the goals of the mutual fund.


Low Cost: In comparison to investing in capital markets, mutual funds offer a much affordable avenue. There are a number of stock funds which require a good initial capital investment and it may not be possible for young investors to invest so much. However, mutual funds are relatively inexpensive. Therefore, it is possible for an investor to begin with as low as Rs.500.


Convenience: Mutual fund is one of the ideal options in terms of investment. Since mutual funds offer affordable alternatives, the luxury of buying or selling them on any business day, and a myriad of options based on an individual’s investment needs and goals, investors can choose their own path of investment.

Health and Safety

Safety: All the mutual funds are regulated by SEBI, therefore, investors can remain assured of their investments. Also, the fund managers provide regular information which provides a clear picture to the investors. Therefore, mutual funds are absolutely safe and transparent to invest in.

The Benefits Of Owning a Motor Insurance Policy

Motor insurance is one of the essential tools that can safeguard your money as well as your much-loved vehicle from any theft or damage. While you may misinterpret motor insurance as something extra on your pocket, it is actually a protection for your wallet. Therefore, it is important to search for the appropriate information in order to receive the most of it. With so many insurance companies available online, you can compare the facilities provided by each and select the best motor insurance policy for your vehicle.


There are mainly two types of insurance policies such as third party liability and comprehensive insurance policy. Third party insurance policy offers personal accident coverage to the third party in case of an accident caused by your vehicle. The coverage does not extend to any damage caused to your vehicles. Motor Insurance Act is mandatory by the Indian Law.


In order to get coverage on your vehicle, you need to purchase a comprehensive insurance policy. The advantage of comprehensive policy is that provides protection to you as well as the third party. Though in India, it is not a compulsion to purchase the cover for yourself, however, it is recommended to have comprehensive coverage.

Take a look at some of the features offered by a motor insurance policy:

Insured Value: The motor is insured for a certain value which is called as the Insured Declared Value. This value is based on the manufacturer’s price of the vehicle minus the depreciation (vehicle’s age). In case of damage to third party property, it is covered up to Rs.1 lakh for two wheelers and Rs.7.5 lakh for a car.

Covered Risk: A good policy covers for damage of vehicles caused due to natural disasters such as storm, earthquake, flood, etc. as well as man-made calamities such as fire, accident, theft, riots, etc.

Portability: A motor insurance policy is also portable in nature which means that you have the choice of changing your insurance policy without losing the advantage of the no-claim bonus.

Add-ons: You can enhance your coverage by selecting add-on covers in order to cover risks that may not be covered under your motor insurance policy. Some of the add-on covers comprise of accidental hospitalisation, depreciation, etc.

Golden Rules of Investing In the Stock Market

Capitalizing in the stock markets can be a lucrative occupation if you know your way around it. Although investing in the share markets entails a certain amount of risk, it is one of the best ways to create financial security, independence, and generation of wealth. However, before you start to invest in the share market, it is very important to have a solid understanding of how the stock market investments work. The stock market is an aggregation of buyers and sellers of shares or stocks that are listed on the stock exchanges like NSE and BSE. If you want to trade profitably in the share markets, you must be aware of these golden rules of investing:-


(1) Avoid herd mentality: – Most of the investors are influenced by the actions of their friends, neighbours, relatives etc. If many people are investing in a particular stock, you might also develop a tendency to do the same. However, this behaviour might not be beneficial in the long run. Only invest in a stock after undertaking considerable research as opposed to blindly following other investors.


(2) Have a disciplined approach: – When it comes to investing profitably, having patience is the key. Investors who invest systematically and hold on to their shares for a substantial amount of time have always generated outstanding returns. Therefore, it is prudent to have patient and long-term approach while trading.


(3) Don’t get carried away by emotions: – many investors end up making some wrong decisions due to the predominant emotions of fear and greed. When the market surges upward, most of the shareholders end up overbuying stocks without proper research due to their greed for more profits. On the other hand, when the share markets drops, investors end up selling their shares at huge losses out of panic and fear.



(4) Have realistic expectations: – Although it is good to hope for maximum returns from your investments, the returns cannot be the same each time. When the market is on a bull run you can expect high returns, however, this cannot be the case every time since the share market is extremely volatile.


(5) Only invest surplus money: – Since the stock market is volatile, only invest surplus money that you can afford to lose in the worst case scenario. Make sure you do not invest money that is borrowed from any source, as this can lead to huge debts.

Digital Marketing

In order to reach out to target audiences, brands have always been trying out various means and techniques. Everyone is aware of the advertising campaigns running on TV commercials, radios, and newspapers. Even ‘Out of Home’ advertisements like one can get to see on billboards have been quite popular for decades now. Now, as consumer behavior is changing, and in order to reach the untapped segments, brands are always on the lookout for reaching their customers in new, innovative ways.


For instance, in the light of the Kumbh Mela taking place in Ujjain these days, there is a great opportunity for brands to make a lasting impression on people from all over the country. As hermits, religious men, and people from various rural parts of the country come to this one of a kind congregation, brands look at it as an opportunity to make their presence felt amongst this group. It is with this aim that toothpaste companies have installed free toothpaste dispensers, hotel companies have given steep discounts, and much more such campaigns have been introduced in order to etch a mark on the minds of visitors at the Kumbh Mela.


Despite the fact that the Kumbh Mela takes place once in 12 years, yet it is considered to be so important from the advertising perspective. Imagine how important something like the internet, on which people nowadays are dependent for everything, would be for advertisers. Keeping this in mind, a new form of promotion has been devised. This is known as Digital Marketing. It is a unique way to approach consumers directly, and given the effective technology available today, consumer behavior and the resultant patterns from a particular advertisement can be tracked completely.


This makes Digital Marketing one of the smartest and most effective ways of reaching out to the consumer. With websites such as Exchange4media, it is possible to get the latest updates of the events and happenings in the world of Digital Marketing, and also the latest tools being devised on a global level. With an increase in the popularity of the mobile internet, Digital Marketing is the best way to reach out to the consumer in real-time and create an impression, before any other means even get anywhere near them.

Every Child Is Special: Protect Their Rights

Millions of innocent children from all over the world are victims of abuse. These children have no access to education, they are used as cheap labour to work in hazardous conditions and many children are even forced to serve as soldiers in armed conflict. Children are the most vulnerable section of the society and they need special protection and care. The children that reside in developing countries suffer more, due to lack of education and awareness. They are dependent and innocent, hence are not capable of making the right decisions for themselves. The children are the future of the world and it is the duty of every citizen to ensure that they are provided with a wholesome development opportunity.


To address this issue of child rights, the United Nations general assembly adopted the most ratified treaty in the world. The convention of child rights was introduced on November 20th 1989. The main objective of this convention is to ensure that the children around the world have the right to education, freedom and health care. Besides these rights, the child rights convention also provides protection to children against racism, armed conflict, vindictive punishments and protection within the judicial system from economic utilization.


However, despite the existence of such rights children suffer from abuse, neglect, preventable diseases and unequal education rights. To implement the child rights conventions, every person in the society needs to be aware of the plight of such children. This is where the role of NGOs plays a very important role in the society. Child rights NGOs work tirelessly towards the cause of children. Volunteering with such NGOs is the first step towards the protection of child rights. These NGOs work closely with the UNICEF and the Government and run various programmes to support needy children.

In countries such as India, children suffer from not just poverty, but also social evils such as child marriage. The only way to curb this issue is to spread awareness among the society, starting from the grassroots level.  Through education and awareness programmes, people of the community, governments, local authorities, and NGOs can ensure that children grow up in a healthy and safe environment.


In countries such as India, children suffer from not just poverty, but also social evils such as child marriage. The only way to curb this issue is to spread awareness among the society, starting from the grassroots level.  Through education and awareness programmes, people of the community, governments, local authorities, and NGOs can ensure that children grow up in a healthy and safe environment.


Child Labour is a Crime

Child labour is one of the biggest social issues in India. Children are the future of the nation. Yet there are numerous children who have not known a happy and carefree childhood. More than 39% of India’s population constitutes of children. There are approximately 60 million child labourers in India. Childhood is the most crucial phase of a person’s life because it is the most impressionable period. However, child labour abruptly destroys the childhood of innocent children by making them a victim of selfish and manipulative adults. Child labour is a corrupt and malicious practice and there is no space for such evils in the modern world.


The Government and the various child rights NGO India are working tirelessly to safeguard the childhood of the children in the country. To engage a child below 14 years for economic activities is a criminal offence in India. However, despite the laws passed against child labour, it still continues to lurk in the society. Many children from poverty laden rural areas are used as bonded labourers in cities. When a child starts to work from a tender age, it misses out on the joys of childhood and a proper education. Due to the lack of education, the child labourers are unable to escape from the deadly cycle of poverty throughout their lives. Most of them end up working as labourers even as adults.


Child labour is a crime to humanity that prevents the proper growth and development of the children. Factors such as poverty, backwards society, low salary, joblessness, poor living standards social injustice, lack of education and ineffective laws which are major factors that are responsible for the high incidence of child labour in India. Most of the child labourers are found working for 12- 16 hrs a day for little or no wages. Moreover, they have no freedom and live like prisoners in extremely bad conditions, without proper food and care.


It is the duty of every citizen of the country to contribute towards the development of such unfortunate children. Providing your support to the government as well as the NGO’s that are working towards the cause of child rights, is the first step towards the eradication of child labour.

Fly in Comfort with Air India Express

Planning out summer vacations can be a bothersome process. As most of the airlines tend to increase the prices of the air tickets during peak holiday seasons, which can be a dilemma for people travelling with a limited budget. Moreover, prices of hotels and resorts are also inflated during summer holidays.


If you are someone who is planning a quick getaway this summer and budget is the only worry; we recommend you to fly with Air India express.

Air India express is one of the most affordable and economic flight carriers for travelling to short distances.


Air India express was started in the year 2005 with the objective of offering customers the cheapest and luxurious flying experience. Now, with its service of over a decade, it has never failed to disappoint its customers. This airline flies to over 13 destinations which mainly connects to Middle Eastern and south East Asian countries. Their fleet consists of 21 Boeing 737 and 800 aircraft. These consist of 186 and 189-seater planes.


With the best prices for bookings in both business and economy class, Air India Airlines is best in hospitality among all the airlines. While on board, the crew will serve you with mineral water and complimentary refreshments. However to enjoy the scrumptious meal prepared by professional chefs of Air India express, you will have to make a purchase. You can even buy a lot of reading material on board.


Air India express also provides web check-in facility that gives you the opportunity to check in using mobile or desktop even before reaching the airport. This facility will also allow you to select your preferred seats online. You will need to print the copy of the boarding pass after completing the web check in process.

You will be allowed to carry a handbag of about 7 kgs weight and a checked in baggage of not more than 10 kg. Booking tickets and checking flight status with Air India express is extremely convenient with your own smartphone. You can book tickets at any time of the day from the comfort of your home or you can visit the portal of Cleartrip to avail various deals and discounts on your flight tickets.



Air Berlin – Flying was never better Before

Second largest airlines of Germany, Air Berlin was founded in the year 1978. Being a member of one world alliance, the airline flies to about 150 destinations worldwide and has served to over 33 million passengers till today. The airlines, since the day it was founded, has been setting high standards and a tough competition for other airlines in the aviation industry. All aircrafts of Air Berlin are outfitted with convenient seating arrangements, in flight entertainment, and other passenger services. Their fleet consist of Airbus 319, 320, 321, 330, Boeing 737 and Q400 models. Additionally, they keep changing and upgrading the technology of the aircrafts to stay secure and environment-friendly.


Exclusive Services of Air Berlin.

  • Children up to the age of 2 are allowed to travel free anywhere within Germany whereas, for international flights, only 10 % of the total fare is charged. This can be a great deal for families travelling with small kids. The crew would also provide you with a special kit consisting of games and colouring books for the entertainment of your child.
  • You need not worry about long-haul flights as sets of Air Berlin aircrafts are comfortable and there is ample legroom even in the economy class.
  • Business class passengers can enjoy on board entertainment with a personal screen loaded with movies and music.
  • Specially designed menu to satisfy your food pangs on board.
  • With the help of online web check-in facility, passengers are allowed to check-in from any internet enabled device from 30 hours up to 45 minutes before the departure of the flight. This saves a lot of time at the airport.
  • Baggage allowance with Air Berlin will differ from class to class.


Additional benefits.

Frequent flyers are awarded with top bonus miles, every time you take a journey with Air Berlin. These top bonus miles can be redeemed to fly to over 1000 destinations worldwide. Further, booking tickets with the airline is also easy as well as cheap. You can visit the official website of Air Berlin to make bookings or register with Cleartrip to avail offers and discounts on flight bookings.

Code share partners.

Air Berlin has a code-shares agreement which means alliance with other airlines of the world. Code share partners of Air Berlin include American Airlines, British Airways, Finnair, Iberia, Japan Airlines, Royal Jordanian and S7 Airlines, Air Baltic, Air Serbia, Air Seychelles, Bangkok Airways, Etihad Airways.


Must Try Water Sports Activities in Goa

If you are an adventure lover than water sports is a great option to give you an ultimate once in a lifetime experience. Also, it is the best way to enjoy the beauty of beaches and explore the underwater life of the ocean. Goa is one of the best beach destinations in India that offers some of the most exciting water sports activities. You will never want to leave goa without experiencing these fun and thrill water sports.



It is the most popular water sport in goa among tourist as well as locals. There are windsurfing trainers and experts present on almost every beach to guide you all through the process. According to experts, The Dona Paula bay is known to be the perfect destination beginners. However, a number of beaches in Goa such as Calangute, Arossim, Uttorda, Benaulim, Baga etc. also allow tourists to carry out this adventure.


Speed boats:

Fast and furious boats speeding against the water will give you the unforgettable adventurous experience. No matter you are an adventure freak or not, you should never come back from goa without riding on a speed boat. It is sure to give you long lasting fun memories.



If you are fond of underwater marine life, then snorkelling in Goa is something that you should definitely try. Snorkelling is an activity that lets you enjoy underwater beauty in the coral reefs with the help of a tube like a device. You can enjoy this activity along with your friends with the assistance of safety experts. Snorkelling can be done on almost all popular beaches of goa.


Banana tube boat rides:

It is a six seater banana shaped boat that flips you over when you are in the middle of the ocean. The excitement and thrill it brings are incomparable, also, you do not have to worry about your safety as you are given all the protection gears and lifesaving jackets. Experts and trainers also accompany you in the ride for safety. Such rides are most popular among kids.