Educate a Child, Save the Nation

In today’s world, the best kind of support that one can give to their children is by backing them with good solid education. A solid foundation laid from the primary level of education is almost a guarantee of a secure future. Irrespective of what the times to come may have in store for us, it is certain that a well read and well educated individual will definitely be able to make a mark for themselves in the society. While we may have been fortunate enough to receive good education in our lives, and offer the same to our children, not everyone around has necessarily had the same kind of opportunities. In such a situation, it becomes a responsibility of ours to ensure that no child remains uneducated in the society.shriedu1

In order to see a better future for the neighborhood you live in and eventually the country, we all have to make a certain effort to ensure that child education reaches at every doorstep. We can do our bit by going out there on weekends or whenever we can find time and setting up a makeshift school for under privileged children and teach them. Such efforts not only add value to the child’s life, but also give us a reason to feel good about ourselves and a purpose to live our lives.


There are also a number of NGO’s involved in the field of child education. CRY, smile foundation, save the children, etc. are some of the well-known organizations involved in providing child education across all sections of the society, other than also taking care of their other needs such as providing them with a shelter and taking care of their nutrition requirements, etc. One can also sign up with these NGO’s as a volunteer and provide their services in the field of child education.


There are also a number of NGO’s involved in the field of child education. CRY, smile foundation, save the children, etc. are some of the well-known organizations involved in providing child education across all sections of the society, other than also taking care of their other needs such as providing them with a shelter and taking care of their nutrition requirements, etc. One can also sign up with these NGO’s as a volunteer and provide their services in the field of child education.

Apart from this, some of the well-established NGO’s such as CRY India have the provision of supporting a child’s education by making a certain donation. They have well set guidelines, according to which if one makes the donation, then they can be assured of providing aid to a certain number of children for their education requirements. You can opt for a one time donation, or also contribute on a regular basis by facilitating the continuous growth of a child for the next few years.

As the government has mandated certain laws for private organizations, they need to contribute a certain share of their income towards social work under the Corporate Social Responsibility or the CSR act. These are also effective ways to ensure child education is widespread in our country in the years to come.




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